Awards of the 24° Festival del Cinema Africano, d’Asia e America Latina


Felice Laudadio, Direttore Bif&st-Bari International Film Festival, Italia, Presidente
Khalo Matabane, Regista, Sudafrica
Ananda Scepka, Direttore “Open Doors”, Festival di Locarno, Svizzera
Comune di Milano “Windows on the World” Prize for the Best Feature Film (10.000 €) to:

Bastardo di Nejib Belkadhi (Tunisia/Francia/Qatar, 2013, 106’)

For the great expressive freedom of the director, for the way in which he overcomes and eliminates the borders between genres, between the real world and the imagination, between the world of the living and the world of the dead, in the end succeeding in breaking down the barriers between people who simply want a transparent way of being connected: for the capacity of speaking about the globalization of relations in this way.

Special mentions:
The Devil’s Lair, Riaan Hendricks, Sudafrica, 2013, 85’
For the great strength of the context and the power of the story, told by the director like a real insider, and first and foremost through the people involved, and for the capacity to start from a character study to succeed in describing contemporary South African society,.

Einstein and Einstein, Baoping Cao, Cina, 2013, 119’
For the capacity to tell a universal story through the eyes of a young girl, who gives an extraordinary performance and who wants to be free and thus embodies an allegory of modern China.


Lorenzo di Las PlassasPresidente
Antonella Catena
Giulio Sangiorgio
Gruppo Bancario Credito Valtellinese Prize for the Best African Feature Film (4.000 €) to:

Bastardo di Nejib Belkadhi (Tunisia/Francia/Qatar, 2013, 106’)

For the eccentricity of the subject and its ardour which is also symbolic, for the expressive power of some of the characters, for the unusual way it shows modernization in contemporary Tunisia, for its ability to go beyond the most classic canons of narrative cinema: for all these elements which are undoubtedly synonymous with great vitality.


Lorenzo di Las Plassas , Italia, Presidente
Antonella Catena, Italia
Giulio Sangiorgio, Italia
Vodafone Prize for the Best Short Film (2.000 €) to:

Afronauts di Frances Bodomo (Ghana/USA, 2014, 13’ )

For its linguistic syncretism, for the originality of a story that has never been told before, for the cinematographic depth and the capacity to enter the dimension of a legend from a historical fact.


– The ACRA-CCS Foundation awards a prize to the best film made by Italian directors in the three continents or related to immigration and integration  – 1.000 € to:

Va’ Pensiero di Dagmawi Yimer, Italia, 2013, 56’

Two parallel stories, two events of violence and racism, told alternately by the victims, but in a tone of voice which has not lost the hope in humanity and the desire to carry on. The narration is engrossing and touching both due to the effectiveness of the images and the strength of the words, in particular those of Mohamed Ba, full of expressive power. This film is necessary and important tore-awaken our consciences and remind us of the wounds that many men have in their souls.

Special mentions:
Il futuro è troppo grande di Giusy Buccheri (Italia, 2014, 75’)
It is a film which has touched us personally as it is a reflection of what we are. Shot proficiently and engrossing, at times moving and at times entertaining, it takes us into the life of two teenagers who talk about their lives. Through the alternating scenes of daily life and autobiographical interviews, we come into contact with their world and with their identities. Two very different lives in some ways, but at the same time similar, suspended between China and Italy, between two different cultures. It is the story of the second generations and of Italy today. It is the story of two of us…

Striplife  – Gaza in a Day di Nicola Grignani, Alberto Mussolini, Luca Scaffidi e Valeria Testagrossa (Italia/Palestina, 2013, 65’)
A very interesting and well made film, in which we can sense the desire for life of youngsters in opposition to the situation of oppression and enclosure in which the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip live, forced into isolation and to live alongside a conflict that seems never-ending. In this present-day hell, the youngsters convey their need for normality made of music, playing and art and teach us how important it is never to give up…


Premio Arnone – Bellavite Pellegrini Foundation

The Rice Bomber di Cho Li (Taiwan, 2013, 118’ )
For having described in a spare and effective way the repercussion of the effects of international trade decisions on rice growers in Taiwan, and for having expressed the symbolic image of a rebellion that does not throw bombs to kill but harmless bombs which distribute rice and in this way diffuse a spirit of participation and solidarity regardless of every exclusion of a political, economic and social matrix.

The Prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded to the best short film on the topics of Globalization, Governance and Rule of Law.

Premio CEM – Mondialità

Twaaga di Cédric Ido (Burkina Faso/Francia, 2013, 30’)
The film successfully includes in the childhood and carefree life of a child, the drama of the conflict in Burkina Faso.The film shows us a reality, that of Burkina Faso, which is unknown to us. The young hero is immediately congenial to us and the story, with a lively character, captures the audience’s attention. The ending, which may seem sad and disappointing, reveals almost the whole meaning of the film, i.e. how the end of a young life, spent in pursuing a dream, can lead to rebirth in a better condition and therefore has not been in vain.The film leaves room for hope and the courage never to stop dreaming

The prize is awarded to the best African short film on the subjects of intercultural dialogue by a Jury of young people aged between 15 and 18 of Milan. The Prize consists of the acquisition of distribution rights in Italy.

Premio CINIT

Les souliers de l’Aïd di Anis Lassoued (Tunisia, 2013, 32’ )
For the full appreciation of a film which offers – through the eyes of the small Nader Tlili and his acting of rare and surprising intensity – the many-sided liveliness of the rural microcosm, its inhabitants, sounds and colours. The portrait of a world coexists harmoniously with the magic impetus of the dream tenaciously pursued with genuine single-mindedness by the hero.

The prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy of an African short film.

Premio CUMSE

Zakaria di Leyla Bouzid (Francia/ Tunisia, 2013, 27’)
The short film ZAKARIA effectively approaches the topics of immigration and the contradictions in particular of the so-called “second generations” through a slice of life, including quarrels. of an Algerian family in France. It does not give solutions, it cannot but it does not claim to, but effectively shows how it is not at all easy for an immigrant family in Europe to become “integrated” without losing their cultural, ethical and religious roots.

The prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy of an African short film or documentary and is awarded by a jury of representative sof the foreign communities in Milan and CUMSE volunteers.

Premio ISMU

Margelle di Omar Mouldouira (Marocco/Francia, 2013, 29’)
Motivazione: For having been able to present childhood fears, the difficulty of growing up and the diversity of parental roles, highlighting the cultural traditions, the bond with traditions but underlining at the same time their universal value.The film relies on the evocation of the language of images and the use of light and colours to get across a deep intercultural message suitable for a wide age-range

The Fondazione Ismu (Iniziative e studi sulla Multietnicità) awards a prize to the best short film at the festival with educational value. The Prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded by a jury of teachers.

Premio Razzismo Brutta Storia

Zakaria di Leyla Bouzid (Francia/ Tunisia, 2013, 27’)
For the communicative strength and the originality of the perspective with which the film approaches the subject of the second generation who today we simply have to call teenagers and for the in-depth analysis of the father-daughter relationship and the difficulties in handing down cultural identity. It is once again an opportunity to focus on the draft law for citizenship of the L’Italia sono anch’io campaign, pending discussion. As of this year, for the first time, the pupils of the Istituto Oriani-Mazzini of Milan are also part of our jury and we ask them to read out the reasons why those chose this film.
The pupils: “We have decided to award the prize to Zakaria for how it describes the father-daughter relationship and life in a family with parents of different nationalities and for the naturalness of the acting. We find the film to be the mirror of adolescence because although Sarah is stubborn, we like her attitude of defiance and her desire for freedom”.

The association Il razzismo è una brutta storia e laFeltrinelli award a special prize to the best film in the section on the themes of racism and integration.

al film
Des étoiles di Diana Gaye (Senegal/Belgio/Francia, 2013, 88’)
Motivazione: Detachment from one’s roots, always experienced dramatically, becomes an opportunity to give and receive solidarity but also becomes a possibility to fulfil dreams and desires.The journey of the stars leads to a choice of freedom.

The prize is awarded by the World Catholic Association for Communication. The jury members are Gaetano Liguori, Andrea Lavagnini and Vanessa Lanari.

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