Brucia la sabbia (2019)

Brucia la sabbia
Italy/Syria – 2018

Director: Riccardo Bianco
Screenplay: Riccardo Bianco, Gerta Beqiri, Marianna Bianco
Runtime: 32’
Editing: Riccardo Bianco, Gerta Beqiri, Marianna Bianco
Cinematography: Riccardo Bianco
Sound: Officina Sonora
Production: Ground Vista Pictures
Sales: Ground Vista Pictures, Gerta Beqiri
Language: Italian, Syrian arabic
Awards: Best Short Documentary, Cinema Award, Best Soundtrack (Piemonte Movie – gLocal Film Festival 2019)

Riccardo Bianco, a young director from Turin, thought he knew what he was going to face with: a long and bloody war, which has been disrupting Syria for more than five years, but he had certainly never experienced a war himself. And it will be this presumption of knowledge that changes this experience profoundly.

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