Every year over 70 journalists take part in the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival in Milan, the only Italian festival (and one of the 3 in Europe) dedicated exclusively to the cinema of the three continents.
Why becoming an accredited journalist?
Because this is a unique occasion to attend screenings of internationally acclaimed films, otherwise difficult to watch in Italy, and see works of young emerging directors which deal with important cultural and social topics.
The media coverage of over 300 articles, radio and tv programs includes the major national and local newspapers, such as Corriere della Sera, la Repubblica, RaiNews24, Il Manifesto, La Stampa, Io Donna, Marie Claire, Tg Rai 3, Africa Rivista, Radio 24, TuttoMilano.
As far as the cinema magazines are concerned, the Festival is followed by: Ciak, FilmTv, MyMovies, RB Casting, Cinematografo, Segnocinema, Empire, Longtake and many others.
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